A Grandmothers Soul

Someone once told me that I have a grandmothers soul. I can’t deny it!
I love all things vintage! Of eras long ago. Delicate floral patterns, muted colors, writing by candle light, wax seals, big comfy knitted sweaters, wool felted hats, tea in fancy vintage cups and things that have a story to tell.
I think even more then a grandma’s soul, I have an old soul, and I felt that this past weekend.
I had an Artisan Craft show last Saturday, and so many ladies along in their years stopped at my table complementing me on my display and purchasing pieces for their daughters or granddaughters. It was such an amazing feeling to know that my handmade porcelain pieces will be cherished for years to come, like grandmas fancy china set that was only to be used on special occasions, but my jewelry can be worn every single day!
I think my old soul shows in my creations. Hand painted tiny specks of gold like the stars in the midnight sky, or lavender impressed tiny trinket dishes. Everything I create comes from the heart.
I always have a person in mind, a flower, a place that I imagine that I could travel to, like a quaint little cottage tucked away in the forest with a wood burning stove wearing a lovely Rose Necklace simply enjoying the day! A bit fairytale-esque!
Thank you to every kind soul that shopped on small business Saturday, thank you for stopping at my table and telling me about your lovely felted wool hat (the inspiration behinds today's diary entry), thank you for the beautiful person who purchased my handmade lavender trinket dishes for your daughters tiny home (yes!!! love tiny homes). Thank you to the amazing soul who bought the little blue dish with hand painted moon and stars, and the hand sculpted birdie which my son helped create. I definitely will be making another with him to keep for home! I can't thank you all enough for the love and support. It means the world to me!
I hope you are enjoying the change of the season as the snow softly falls to the ground, drinking many cups of tea, creating lovely memories with those that you hold near and dear to your heart!
Sending my love,