Fresh Flowers
Hello there,
Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the world. Lets chat about fresh flowers, and creating a beautiful space.
I always want my space to feel cozy and inviting, so when I can, I add fresh flowers.
My family of three live in a small cape style home, with a galley kitchen, small rooms but everything (when tidy) is very quaint and cozy.
“Have nothing in your house that you do not find to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” - William Morris
Adding fresh flowers to my home when I can gives me something beautiful to look at while I'm listening to music and creating my jewelry pieces.
The smells, the colors, just the pure beauty connects me with nature it makes me feel good.
My grandpa was a gardener and had the most beautiful gardens. We were not allowed to pick any flowers. They were just to look at and admire. As a kid, I didn't think much of him getting up every day to water them, pick out new ones from a catalog, weeding them, pruning them, taking care of them. But as an adult how I miss that simple task, how I miss him.
I hope to get my garden up this year and hopefully by next year I will have flowers that I can make beautiful bouquets to add to each room. To gift to family and friends and spread my love of nature, of all things beautiful.

Wouldn't you love to add fresh flowers to your home? Create this space that feels so peaceful and relaxing?

Create a space that is warm, cozy, and inviting.